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Welcome to the Website for the Class of 1968!

Please visit the First Time Visitors Tab and join our site. After you create a profile you can send a private message to other classmates, view the profiles and pictures of all classmates, view the videos from the 50th Reunion, visit the "Classmates in Memory" and much more.

We are looking forward to reconnecting with all of you !!


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Front Row (Seated left to right) - Milton Dixon, Jack Savage, Earline Sills (Williams), Marsha Adams  (Kelley), Patricia Harness (Welch), Karen Hulsey (Pritchard), Kelli Moore (Barham), Vita Phillips (Timberlake), Dan Beckler, Judy Tripp (Daniels), Barbara Liles (McIntire), Debbie Whitley (Gay), Susan Wheeler (Holmes), Ruth King (Peoples), Joanne Wilkins (Canady), Gerry Wheeler (Dunham), Bonnie Sides (Stem), Mary Fowler (Bailey), Judy Evans (Tart).

 Second Row (left to right) - Joan Massengill (Langford), Carolyn Wall (Padgett), Hank Harris, Don Hodge, Peggy Pirman (Muise), Ann Kissell (Hodge), Melissa Woodard (Jemison), Debbie Pugh (Twardy), Linda Maynard (Eddins), Wayne Johnson Sr, Rhonda Ross (Feldman), Diane Arnaiz (Garner), Deborah Lancaster (Currin), Ann Jefferson (Haley), Barbara Hamby (Foell). 

Third Row (left to right) - Danny Stallings, Bill Stagg Jr, Jim Robinson Jr, Ted Nowell, Steve Johnson, Robyn Humphreys, Deborah Lane. 

Fourth Row (left to right) - James Dixon, Rodney Maddox, Mike Daniels, William(Ron) Perry, Danny Gordon, Gail Barham (Moody), Cindy Spence (Wall), Smitty Harvell, Jim Phillips III, Ray Wall, Steve Walters, Gerald Strickland, Susan Mills, Peter Aan, Bill Hauser, James Bell, Daniel Teague, David Peoples, Tommy Lloyd Sr, John Rowe, Henry Batten & Glenn Hanna.



Percentage of Joined Classmates: 59.2%

A:   141   Joined
B:   97   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


No registered users are online right now.


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


•   Bill Stagg  2/1
•   Sid Johnson  12/7
•   Jimmy Barber  12/7
•   Jim Braziel  11/30
•   Bedie Yopp (Kinney)  8/27
•   Wade Brickhouse  1/30
•   Deborah Pugh (Twardy)  10/20
•   Marsha Adams (Kelley)  9/21
•   Robert (Bob) Brinson  7/3
•   Henry Batten  6/13
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
3 live in California
12 live in Florida
8 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New York
174 live in North Carolina
2 live in Pennsylvania
7 live in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
7 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Spain
6 location unknown


Sponsorship to help defray costs of the reunion. These can be made in any denomination - simply fill out the form to indicate the amount of your sponsorship.


Sponsorships that include ticket(s) and possibly room night(s). When you later "Register to Attend" the reunion we will allocate funds to cover your ticket(s) and room night(s).